When you finally get serious about your hearing...

Glenmont Office

398 Feura Bush Rd

GlenmontNY 12077 

Coxsackie Office

26 Hope Plaza, Rte 9W,

Coxsackie, NY 12051

HEARt Ear Boutique is proudly owned by local residents Robert J. LaCosta & Vincenzina Cavaleri-LaCosta

Ravena Office

2447 Rte 9W, Suite 2,

Ravena, NY 12143

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(518) 435-1250

Custom Earmolds and Ear Plugs

Ear Wax Removal

Protect Your Hearing - Schedule a Visit with Us Today.

Get Professional Assistance with Ear Wax Removal.

Ear wax is an absolutely normal bodily substance that your body produces to line and protect your inner ear. Your body will progressively introduce new ear wax and naturally drain wax on its own, leaving you to clean your outer ear when necessary. However, your body may occasionally have struggle eliminating ear wax, resulting in a buildup that's either painful, a hindrance to your hearing, or both. HEARt Ear Boutique can provide professional solutions to help you with ear wax removal if the amount of ear wax you have has become a problem. Most buildups can be resolved with a take home removal kit, but, in some cases, your board certified hearing specialist or audiologist may need to use specialized tools to break up the blockage.

Can't I Remove Ear Wax at Home?

In some cases, ear wax problems may be dealt with by using simple store-bought solutions. These medicine kits usually have a solution that's safe for your ear and is designed to soften and break up hardened ear wax. You simply drop the solution deep into the ear and allow it work. If the problem persists, you may need professional assistance. Note - you should NEVER stick anything deep into your ear in an effort to break up the blockage. Attempting to do so could at best worsen the blockage, and at worst damage inner parts of your ear.

Professional Ear Wax Removal for Lasting Relief.

Visit Your Board Certified Hearing Specialist or Audiologist

Both an board certified hearing specialist or audiologist or an ENT (ear-nose-throat) doctor are trained to professionally remove ear wax blockages. They essentially use a small tool with a scoop that reaches into your ear to remove the wax. They are the only ones you should trust to point any objects into your ear. They will also use a solution to break up the wax that is similar to over the counter solutions. You will be surprised at how well you can hear the world with a freshly cleaned ear!

Can Ear Wax Cause Serious Issues?

Impacted ear wax can become truly unpleasant, but it shouldn't be caused for any serious alarm. The biggest cause for concern would be the increased risk of ear infections as the wax is no longer able to probably filter out dust and substances as intended. Experiencing symptoms such as ringing ear, vertigo, earaches, or itchy ears is completely normal.

What Causes Earwax Buildup?

There's no great answer - some individuals are just more prone to overproduce ear wax. However, in our experience, blockages are more often than not the result of poor cleaning habits or attempting to remove ear wax deeper in the ear by force. Almost always, you end up pushing wax deeper into the ear instead of letting it naturally filter out. We've also noticed that those who use in-the-ear headphones might contribute to buildup by causing an unintentional block. Check your earbuds now and then and look at how much ear wax accumulates!

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